Exploring Fracture - VALORANT Map

VALORANT has taken the gaming world by storm, and with each new episode and act, Riot Games introduces new elements to keep players engaged. One such element is the introduction of Fracture, VALORANT's newest map that was released at the end of Episode 3, Act 2. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the intricacies of Fracture, exploring its layout, potential strategies, agent recommendations, and more.

Fracture - A Unique Creation

In the world of tactical shooters, maps often follow a certain formula, but VALORANT has always challenged the norms, and Fracture is no exception. Unlike its predecessors, this map takes an unorthodox approach to the gameplay.

The Layout

Fracture's layout is mind-boggling, and it's evident that the developers at Riot Games were determined to break the mold. The map's design traps defenders in the middle third, effectively splitting the playing field into two symmetrical halves. This middle third can be likened to the crossbar in the capital letter 'H.'

What sets Fracture apart is that it empowers the attacking team by allowing them to start on two sides of the map, introducing a level of unpredictability that defenders have rarely encountered in FPS maps. Two massive ziplines run across the middle of the map, connecting one attacker's side spawn to the other. This complexity adds a layer of uncertainty, making it challenging for defenders to anticipate the attackers' strategies each round.

Fracture introduces a fourth crucial chokepoint for defenders to hold, with the points being on either end of both bombsites A and B. This additional element adds to the complexity of the map, making it essential for defenders to use agents with abilities that can reveal opponents, such as Cypher's Spycam and Trapwire. These utilities can help maintain control and defend against flanks, as defenders will have a tough time keeping track of all entry points on this map.

Potential Plays on Fracture

  • A Site Executions:
  • Gaining control over A Rope is crucial for both attacking the site and holding it after the plant.
  • If attackers enter through A Hall, they must also control A Link, as not doing so leaves them exposed to multiple angles.
  • Splitting the team through Hall and Rope can provide a line of sight into Defender Side Spawn, which is advantageous for controlling that area.
  • Properly placed smokes can protect the team from flanks and help with post-plant situations.
  • B Site Executions:
  • For B Site, gaining control over B Tower is highly recommended, and it might become a standard strategy for executing this site.
  • Coordination and utility usage are key to clearing B Tower effectively.
  • Timing the entrance to the site alongside teammates pushing B Arcade can apply pressure from multiple angles and allow for trades.
  • Strategies involving pushes from both Attacker Side Spawn and Attacker Side Bridge can be employed to control B Main, B Arcade, and B Tower.

Be Unpredictable

Fracture is a map that lends itself to deception and trickery. Attackers have the upper hand from the start, given the many passages from both sides of the map. Controlling the tempo of the game and keeping defenders guessing can be a winning strategy.

Which Agents are Ideal for Fracture?

  1. Cypher & Sova: Information gathering is crucial on this map, and agents like Cypher and Sova, with abilities like Spycam and Recon Dart, play a major role in successfully retaking sites and defending against attackers.
  2. Breach: Breach's abilities are effective on the small and cramped bomb sites, making him a valuable asset for attackers.
  3. Skye: Skye's Guiding Light provides versatile flashes that are well-suited for clearing a variety of angles on the map.
  4. KAY/O: KAY/O's ability to gather information with ZERO/POINT and his ultimate, NULL/CMD, make him an excellent choice for this map.
  5. Raze: Raze's abilities, such as Boombot and Paint Shells, are strong on Fracture, helping with rotations and clearing out common defender positions.
  6. Astra: Astra's utility excels in tight laneways and can provide map control that confuses defenders.
  7. Yoru: Yoru's unique abilities are well-suited for the maze-like layout of Fracture, offering opportunities for deception and flanking.
  8. Jett: Jett's mobility and her ability to hold long angles make her a strong choice for the Operator, especially when holding B Tree, B Main, and B Canteen.

Orb Locations and Aesthetics

Fracture introduces double the number of ultimate orbs compared to previous maps, encouraging heavy ability usage and orb farming. However, players must be mindful not to give away free ultimates. The map's aesthetics are truly captivating, with two distinct biomes, one lush and green, and the other arid and rocky. Riot Games has once again pushed the boundaries of artistry in map design.

Final Thoughts

The jury is still out on whether Fracture will favor attackers or defenders, and how it might impact the gun meta. One thing is certain: the map has generated a lot of excitement, and players are eager to see how it pans out. As Fracture won't be in the competitive queue until the 2-week mark of Episode 2, players have a unique opportunity to get comfortable with the map in the 'Fracture only' game mode before it enters competitive play.

In conclusion, VALORANT continues to evolve and surprise its player base with innovative maps and gameplay, and Fracture is yet another example of Riot Games' commitment to delivering a fresh and exciting experience. So, good luck with your future games on Fracture, and may you have a successful climb in the world of VALORANT!

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