How safe is Valorant Boosting


Most people who play online video games have come in contact with boosters, whether they know it or not. For the people who don’t know what boosting is, fundamentally, it is when a highly skilled player logs onto a secondary account that is ranked lower than his main account to increase its rank or to help others increase their rank in return for money. In most cases boosting is a paid service unless you have a more skilled friend to help you out. Valorant Boosting exists in almost any game that is online and has some sort of competitive ladder. Valorant is no different in this regard, even though the game is brand new and has just recently been open to the public, there are already a plethora of boosting sites offering their services. In the following article, we will discuss what are the dangers of boosting and what is required for boosting to be safe.

The dangers of boosting

Boosting has two primary downsides if done improperly: the loss of your account or the loss of your money and account. These possibilities generally occur only when an unqualified or unprofessional boosting site is used. When choosing a boosting site one must be careful and must make sure the website is tried and true. If the website you’ve chosen is not reliable it could have severe consequences. Every trustworthy boosting website primarily guarantees that they use a good VPN. VPNs are necessary when boosting because of Riot’s strict TOS (terms of services) which do not allow multiple account ownership, especially to boost. Therefore, to 100% guarantee the safety of your account boosting sites should use VPNs, that way Riot cannot track your IP address and notice 2 different IPs playing one single account. If a boosting site doesn’t have a guaranteed VPN service there is a certain risk of your account getting banned and that site could be unreliable. If Riot catches you boosting they will most likely suspend your account and potentially permanently ban it. Also, a small feature that most good boosting sites offer is the play of certain agents to further remove any doubt of boosting from your account (this does cost extra in most instances). The reasoning behind this is if Riot suddenly sees you playing new agents on a different level than before they might grow suspicious that your account is being boosted. For extremely skeptical customers, high-quality boosting sites also offer to play with one or more boosters in a premade party. This completely removes any doubt that your account is being boosted as you will still perform on your usual level, while you will still be boosted by a teammate or several. This option, however, is very pricey on most boosting sites, because you could negatively affect the progress of the account in the ranked ladder. The more boosters you want on your team the more expensive the boost will become, but you’re also guaranteed to reach your desired rank much faster. This type of boosting also removes the risk of your account being stolen by untrustworthy boosters. There is a second risk you should consider while choosing whether to pay for boosting services or not. Some boosting websites might offer you very cheap prices for certain boosts that should be significantly more expensive when everything is taken into consideration. Be wary of these websites as they could just be after your account or your money. When selecting a boosting website be very careful to read customer reviews and the general guarantees the website offers when they boost. If the website doesn’t use any VPN that’s already a sign of a potentially bad boosting website, as it seems they aren’t too concerned with the safety of your account. If a boosting site offer seems too good to be true it usually is, as boosting requires a lot of man-hours therefore it’s quite expensive. Any website offering you absurdly cheap deals for a boost is most likely after your account to resell it or just keep it as a low-level account. They could also be hoping to get your money in advance and just leave you dumbfounded with no money on your account and a low-ranked account that hasn’t been touched. Furthermore, when selecting a boosting site, make sure they offer some sort of secure payment method, so you cannot get scammed and lose your hard-earned money for nothing. Reliable boosting websites will most likely use PayPal as their form of payment method, as it is the most secure, and in the case of a lack of results you can always use the money-back method that PayPal offers you. Also, always use websites that have some sort of SSL to keep your account details safe in the unlikely case of a hack, but better safe than sorry. Do not hire the services of boosting websites that don’t offer customer support that is tried and tested by yourself or someone you know, this way you can always keep tabs on your ranked progress and the safety of your account. Quality boosting websites will also offer programs that enable offline mode in games and will never contact your in-game friends for any reason. Some people prefer this offline option to hide the usage of boosting services from their in-game friends. This finalizes the risks and the services boosting websites can offer to reduce the risk as much as possible while boosting.