How to Appear Offline in Valorant

How to Appear Offline in Valorant

Valorant became the most trending FOTM game ever since its closed beta release, it was very fun and casual to play with your friends up until Riot Games released the ranked/competitive mode.

Ever since the release of the ranked mode, everyone started getting competitive and a lot of egos were on the line, especially after the new changes in the valorant ranked system. And we all have this group of friends who just aren't on the same level, and will probably drag us down if we play competitively with them in Valorant. We have to avoid them and appear offline to them so we can climb.

So a lot of people were asking how we appear offline. how to avoid playing with my friends without actually losing them for life. So we had to take a look into it and figured out a way to appear fully offline in Valorant so you can successfully ignore this Iron stuck friend and climb to diamond rank in Valorant.

How to Appear Offline in Valorant?

Deceive just cuts the connection between Valorant chat servers so it makes you offline/invisible in the game.

An alternative method to appearing offline

While we believe Deceive is the best way to appear offline in Valorant, there's an alternative method that you can use to appear offline, and will still give you very good results. 

You can do it by using the Command Prompt and creating a firewall filter to block connections between Valorant's chat servers and your internet. This is how you do it.

Make sure your firewall is turned on.

1. First open the Riot launcher, select your server, and log in. 2. When logged in, open CMD[Command Prompt] by pressing Start in Windows and searching for CMD.

3. Copy and paste the following code to your CMD:

[ALL SERVERS]-> netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="lolchat" dir=out remoteport=5223 protocol=TCP action=block

If you'd like to turn the invisibility off type this into CMD:

netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="lolchat"

7th August Appearing offline in Valorant update.

Deceive application has been updated by the developer, they have fixed a lot of bugs and added fancier status images so you can know if you are appearing offline or not more consistently now in Valorant.

All our valorant boosting orders are done using this very method to appear offline in Valorant.

This was it for our guide, hope you enjoy using it to avoid being in those awkward situations again when you are playing Valorant!

How to Appear Offline in League Of Legends?

You can pretty much use the same method to appear offline in LoL, unlike Valorant, you will not need to create a shortcut and all this hassle, all you need to do is simply download deceive, choose your League Of Legends' client location, and launch the game. That's it.