Introducing the Ultimate Valorant Agent Tier List for Patch 7.04

While our tier list caters to all playstyles, it leans heavily towards promoting cohesive teamwork, making it a valuable resource for both solo players and squad enthusiasts.

Patch 7.04 Valorant Agent Tier List

Explore the agent builds, counters, and more by clicking on the icons below!

S-tier Agents

A-tier Agents

B-tier Agents

C-tier Agents

It's worth noting that early in the patch, our rankings are predictive, reflecting the impact of buffs and nerfs. For the latest updates, return midway through the patch to confirm our accuracy.

Valorant Predictive Tier List for Climbing Ranked

Patch 7.04 Valorant Agent Tier List

  • S-tier: Omen, Jett, Reyna, Skye, Killjoy, Raze
  • A-tier: Sova, Viper, Brimstone, Phoenix
  • B-tier: Astra, Breach, Chamber, Deadlock, Cypher, Fade, Sage
  • C-tier: Harbor, Kay/O, Yoru, Gekko, Neon

Agent Explanations

S-tier Agents


Jett shines both on the offense and defense, creating opportunities for the team on the offensive side and excelling as an Operator and aggressive pusher in defensive situations. While recent nerfs affected her, her kit still holds tremendous potential for game-changing plays.


Omen stands out as the controller with a versatile kit for individual plays and team synergy. His ability to control angles makes him a valuable asset, especially in uncoordinated environments.


Reyna, the ultimate solo queue agent, thrives on selfish plays and capitalizes on moments that other agents can't. In disorganized matches, her unique abilities to dismiss or heal offer significant advantages.


Skye's kit relies heavily on communication and teamwork, providing immense value in terms of information gathering, team setup, healing support, and self-sufficiency.


Killjoy holds the title of the most potent sentinel in Valorant at present. Her presence is essential on most maps, primarily for her ability to control critical points and maintain map control.


Raze, an exceptional duelist, can gather information independently, create space, and defend efficiently. Her versatility makes her one of the best duelists in the game.

A-tier Agents


Sova's utility offers exceptional value, especially in lower ranks where opponents often fail to counter it effectively. His ability to clutch rounds and make impactful plays is another feather in his cap.


Viper's dominance on certain maps, coupled with her post-plant utility, can spell doom for retaking teams. Her ability to farm ultimates adds another layer of power to her kit.


Brimstone's straightforward kit focuses on smokes and gunplay, making him a valuable asset for the team. His utility excels in post-plant scenarios, where slower retakes are the norm.


Phoenix's buffs have made him a more formidable agent across different environments. His kit caters to self-sufficiency and individual plays, though he might lack the ability to create space like S-tier duelists.

B-tier Agents


Astra's potential shines when coordinated with a team. Her abilities are challenging to wield individually but offer greater value at higher ranks.


Breach's strength depends heavily on coordination, making him a more valuable asset as ranks increase. His kit can disrupt opponents effectively.


Chamber's viability is on the rise due to range increases in his utility. He can cover more ground, making him a more impactful pick.


Deadlock excels at stalling large pushes and post-plant situations. However, precise use of her abilities is essential for optimal effectiveness.


Cypher's recent buffs have breathed new life into his gameplay. The tripwire enhancements have opened up creative strategies and provided players with new opportunities.


Fade's kit is user-friendly and facilitates team play with minimal communication. Her abilities can generate value without the need for precision, making her an excellent choice for coordinated plays.


Sage, often regarded as a glorified duelist, offers self-healing and strategic wall placement to thwart 5-man rushes, adding depth to team composition.

C-tier Agents


Harbor shines in professional play with double Controllers, but coordinating with two Controllers in ranked matches is challenging. His utility largely revolves around vision-blocking, limiting individual playmaking.


Kay/O boasts a robust kit but saw significant nerfs. His utility excels in setting up teammates and works best in a coordinated team environment.


Yoru's kit has potential but requires meticulous setup and team support. Other duelists offer more flexible movement, making them more suitable for capitalizing on teammates' utility.


Gekko's kit lacks compelling features compared to other Initiators. His unique advantages include passive spike actions and the ability to retrieve his utility for shorter cooldowns.


As a duelist, Neon relies heavily on teammate support and struggles to excel on most maps, except for Fracture and Pearl.

For the optimal Valorant team compositions tailored to each map, explore our recommendations below:

Best Valorant Team Comps by Map

  • Ascent: Sova, Omen, Killjoy, Jett, KAY/O
  • Fracture: Skye, Killjoy, Brimstone, Raze, Breach
  • Haven: Sova, Killjoy, Omen, Jett, Breach
  • Bind: Brimstone, Raze, Skye, Chamber, Viper
  • Pearl: Fade, Killjoy, Skye, Jett, Astra
  • Lotus: Killjoy, Viper, Raze, Omen, Skye
  • Split: Skye, Breach, Cypher, Raze, Omen

Feel free to customize your team compositions based on your agent pool. However, ensure your choices are strategic and cohesive. Further insights into team compositions by map are available in our dedicated guide.

Format and Methodology

Tier Ratings

  • S-tier: Optimal for the current meta and versatile for most team compositions and maps.
  • A-tier: Very strong but not as consistent as S-tier. Adaptable to most situations, with some exceptions.
  • B-tier: Agents with potential but may depend on coordination, specific maps, or team compositions.
  • C-tier: Agents with fewer advantages compared to their peers, not necessarily the weakest picks in the meta.

Agent Difficulties

  • Brimstone (Easy): Ideal for beginners with straightforward abilities.
  • Cypher (Average): Requires more tactical understanding.
  • Sova (Hard): Demands time and practice to maximize his effectiveness.

Also, Don't forget to see our latest Prices when we can play with any agent you ask for and provide coaching for you as well.

We value your input and encourage discussions and feedback in the comments section below. For comprehensive character ability lineups on every map, don't forget to visit our dedicated Valorant site.