Lore of Valorant’s Icebox Map: Samurais, Time Travel, and Secrets!

As one ventures into the world of Valorant, every map tells its own tale. Strategies differ, combat techniques vary, and post-plant situations fluctuate between A-site and B-site. Beyond the battleground mechanics, Riot Games has woven fascinating stories and lore around each map. Today, we embark on a journey to unravel the story behind the Icebox map in Valorant - an enigmatic arena where time travel and samurais intersect.

Where is Valorant Icebox located in real life?

Situated in the chilling landscapes of Siberia, Russia, the Valorant Icebox map marks its presence on an island in the East Siberian Sea. Players can verify this location as Riot Games provides the coordinates "76°44' A"N 149°30' Z"E" on the loading screen.

While Icebox mirrors the conventional structure with an A-site and B-site, it stands out in promoting teamwork, coordination, and strategy lineups, a testament to which can be found on TheGlobalGaming YouTube channel. Delving into the deeper lore, let's uncover the mysteries that shroud Icebox.

What is the Valorant Icebox lore and story?

Riot Games introduced us to the malevolent Kingdom corporation. This organization exploits a unique resource named Radianite to supercharge Earth's energy. Icebox plays a pivotal role in the Radianite storage, transportation, and research process. Crates filled with Radianite can be spotted throughout A-site and B-site. Giant ships and cranes brimming with Radianite crates dot the landscape for transporting this resource. The research element becomes evident from the numerous offices and screens littered across the map.

The Kingdom corporation's operations on Icebox don't just revolve around Radianite. A significant discovery was made – a samurai armour believed to be fused with Radiant. While one armour stands distinctively behind a glass wall, several other samurai suits can be spotted. Speculations suggest these armours were retrieved from a shipwreck lodged in an ice wall on B-site. This explains the corporation's interest in researching this ship and the samurai suit so far from their native land.

Following the release of the agent Yoru, the map transformed. The most conspicuous change was the shattered glass wall behind the samurai armour. The armour remained untouched, but its mask disappeared.

Did you steal his mask?

The sequence of events and evidence strongly indicates that Yoru purloined the samurai mask. An "Intruder Alert" sign at the defenders' spawn further cement this theory. Additionally, a poster towards B-site displaying a motorcyclist hints at Yoru's involvement.

Connecting dots from Yoru's lore, the samurais were likely his ancestors. But the real conundrum lies in understanding why these ancestors and their ship are embedded in an icy wall in Icebox. Could it be the influence of Radianite enabling time travel? Given that our agents derive their powers from Radianite, it's tantalizing to believe that these samurais might have time-travelled, hinting at Radianite's origins from the distant past. Kingdom's secretive operations on Icebox further deepen the mystery.


Where is the Icebox map located?

  • The Icebox map is located on an island in the East Siberian Sea, Siberia, Russia.

Why is the Kingdom corporation interested in the Icebox map?

  • Beyond Radianite storage and transport, the corporation is researching a shipwreck containing Radianite-infused samurai armour.

Did Yoru steal a samurai mask from Icebox?

  • Evidence points towards Yoru's involvement in stealing the mask, potentially linked to his ancestry.


Valorant's Icebox map offers players not just a battlefield but a captivating story interwoven with lore, mysteries, and speculations. As Riot Games unravels more about this icy arena, players remain at the edge of their seats, anticipating the next twist in the tale.