Mastering Raze: A Comprehensive Raze Valorant Guide

Mastering Raze: A Comprehensive Valorant Guide

In the ever-evolving world of Valorant, few agents are as polarizing as Raze, the explosive expert who has been a constant presence since the game's launch. Over time, Raze has seen her fair share of buffs and nerfs, all in an effort to strike the delicate balance between being formidable and fair. In this guide, brought to you by a professional Valorant player and a member of the esteemed GBoosting Valorant Boosting team, we will delve deep into the world of Raze and explore how to harness her destructive potential to the fullest.

Raze: The Introduction

Raze is an agent who often sparks heated discussions within the Valorant community, primarily due to her ability to deal substantial damage with her explosive gadgets. This was not the initial vision the Valorant developers had in mind, but it became a reality. Subsequently, her satchels and ultimate ability underwent significant nerfs to bring her in line with the game's overall balance. Nevertheless, Raze remains a formidable force in the game, frequently earning her a spot in the coveted S or A tier on our Valorant agent tier list.

One prevalent strategy employed by Raze players is to utilize her explosive abilities, particularly her Boom Bot and Paint Shells, early in the round. This approach not only inflicts damage upon opponents but also forces them to retreat, granting Raze and her team the space they need to maneuver and control the battleground. The concept is simple: when your adversaries are either wounded or on the run, you and your team can push forward with confidence.

Another, more aggressive playstyle favored by some Raze enthusiasts involves launching an unexpected assault on the enemy team. Armed with satchels and a shotgun or SMG, Raze charges headlong into the fray, catching her foes off guard and raining destruction upon them. However, it's essential to note that this high-risk, high-reward approach demands a considerable amount of practice, particularly when it comes to mastering the art of satchel usage.

Raze's Arsenal of Abilities

Boombot (C)

Raze's Boombot is a relentless roomba-like gadget that travels in a straight line but can bounce off walls and obstacles in its path. When it detects an enemy, it accelerates, pursuing them with unwavering determination until it eventually explodes, causing significant damage. However, it's crucial to remember that enemies can destroy the Boombot. Raze is limited to purchasing one Boombot per game, and it costs 300 credits.

The Boombot is an invaluable tool for gathering intel or infiltrating enemy territory, particularly during pistol rounds. If you manage to have the Boombot chase enemies and they destroy it, you've achieved a dual purpose: intel and potential damage. Even more strategically advantageous is when you use the intel gathered by the Boombot to catch your opponents off guard, securing a kill while they grapple with the decision to destroy the Boombot or engage you directly.

To maximize the effectiveness of the Boombot, you can experiment with various lineups to ensure it covers as many angles as possible where opponents might be lurking. An interesting tip is that you can jump and deploy the Boombot over obstacles, such as a Sage wall. Additionally, you can use satchels to propel the Boombot over smaller obstructions by deploying the satchel in front of its path and activating it when the Boombot passes over, creating an explosive surprise for enemies hiding in the hookah or similar areas.

Paint Shells (E)

Raze's Paint Shells are a cluster grenade that detonates after a set duration, releasing four smaller grenades in four directions upon impact. Raze receives one Paint Shells charge per round at no cost, and its cooldown resets after Raze secures two kills.

Paint Shells serve a dual purpose: inflicting damage and manipulating enemy positioning. The timer for the explosion begins as soon as the grenade leaves Raze's hand, providing an opportunity for strategic throws that catch opponents off guard. Once you've mastered the timing, you can lob Paint Shells into enclosed areas like hookah, ensuring they explode precisely where you want them, leaving enemies with no room to evade the explosion.

You have the option to throw Paint Shells with either a left-click for a long-distance throw or a right-click for a shorter, more precise lob. The latter is particularly useful when you need to navigate tight spaces or throw the grenade over walls without it bouncing unpredictably.

A clever combination involves deploying the Boombot first to force enemies to move or shoot it, then capitalizing on their distraction by finishing them off with Paint Shells. This synergy can be a game-changer in key situations.

Blast Pack (Q)

Raze's Blast Pack is a pair of satchels that she can purchase at the start of a round, with a maximum capacity of two. When thrown, the satchels adhere to surfaces and can be activated by Raze. They have a charging mechanism, starting with 15 initial damage that increases with proximity, up to a maximum of 50 damage, which also diminishes with distance. Importantly, Blast Packs do not harm Raze or her teammates.

This ability is primarily a tool for repositioning and surprising opponents. By attaching a satchel to one side of a structure, Raze can quickly propel herself across an opening, catching the enemy off guard and potentially securing a kill. However, mastering this maneuver requires extensive practice, making it essential to hone your skills in practice mode before attempting it in live matches.

Once you've become proficient with the first satchel, you can progress to using a second satchel in a combination move—a technique commonly employed by our skilled Valorant boosters. For a deeper understanding of these advanced maneuvers, refer to our movement guide on YouTube, which we have thoughtfully embedded for your convenience.

If your primary objective is rapid relocation to evade the enemy, you can toss the first satchel on the ground, orient yourself in the desired direction, and quickly activate it three more times, creating two rapid explosions and propelling yourself to safety.

Showstopper (X)

Raze's ultimate ability, the Showstopper, equips her with a powerful rocket launcher after a short delay. She can carry the launcher for up to 10 seconds or fire it immediately. When fired, Raze is pushed back a short distance, and the rocket detonates with devastating force, inflicting heavy damage in a wide radius, with the most significant damage concentrated at the center. Activating this ability requires 8 ultimate points and emits a distinctive and unmistakable sound, alerting everyone to Raze's intentions.

During her ultimate, Raze can employ her satchels to scout for enemies from elevated positions—a tactic frequently used by Raze players when they have their ultimate ready. The double satchel technique proves invaluable during this time, as it allows Raze to pursue and eliminate retreating opponents after unleashing her ultimate.

Notably, the blast radius of the rocket is generous, meaning you don't have to target enemies directly. If they're hiding behind cover, you can fire the rocket from a safe vantage point, hitting them even if it's not a direct hit.

Final Thoughts on Raze

We trust that you've found this Raze guide enlightening and informative. After perusing this comprehensive guide, we recommend practicing with satchels in the game's practice mode. Begin with a less aggressive approach, focusing on using your abilities strategically to apply pressure on your opponents and capitalize on the chaos created by your explosive gadgets.

For those looking to elevate their Valorant experience further, we invite you to explore our Valorant rank-boosting services. Our dedicated team, composed of experts in the field, stands ready to assist you in achieving your desired rank in Valorant. Whether you prefer to play alongside us or entrust us with your account, both options guarantee a risk-free and hassle-free journey to your desired rank. Feel free to reach out to us; we're here to help, and rest assured, we don't bite!

With this comprehensive guide, you're well on your way to mastering Raze and harnessing her explosive potential to its fullest. So, go forth, rain destruction upon your foes, and conquer the Valorant battlefield with confidence.