Mastering Reyna: Valorant Duelist Agent Strategy Guide

Let's explore how to effectively play and excel with Reyna.

Reyna's Abilities

Let's begin with Reyna's unique set of abilities, followed by strategic insights and tips for each one.

C - Leer

Reyna's C ability, Leer, can be purchased at the start of the round and holds up to two charges. When activated (pressing C), she equips an orb that can be launched to a fixed distance, obscuring the vision of enemies who gaze at it or its direction. This nearsighted effect limits their field of view to a small radius, effectively blocking vision beyond it. Enemies can counter this by hiding behind cover or turning away to nullify the effect.

Leer Tips:

  1. Enemies can destroy Leer by shooting at it. Be cautious of sharpshooters who might eliminate it before the nearsighted effect takes hold.
  2. To waste the enemy's time and potentially catch them off-guard, avoid deploying Leer at head level where crosshairs are usually kept. Make them adjust their aim vertically.
  3. Leer can pass through walls, allowing for tactical plays like throwing it through a wall when certain of an enemy's presence and then making a quick move to eliminate them.
  4. Use the minimap to gauge Leer's landing position when casting it through walls for maximum effectiveness.
  5. Employ Leer strategically to bait out enemy abilities like smokes or flashes, exposing their positions.
  6. Deploy Leer at locations where you anticipate enemy presence, such as chokepoints or common routes for rotations.
  7. Consider using Leer while the enemy team is planting or defusing the Spike to reveal the defuser or planter's location.

Q - Devour

Reyna's Q and E abilities are interconnected. After securing a kill, a shadow orb appears, and Reyna has a brief window to choose between her Q or E. Without kills, she can't use either ability.

Q acts as a healing mechanism, rapidly restoring Reyna's health by 100 points, with the potential for overhealing up to 50 additional points. The overheal is time-limited and vanishes when the timer expires. Even with a traditional shield, the total health cannot exceed 150.

E - Dismiss

Similarly, Reyna's E requires a soul orb. Activating Dismiss grants temporary invincibility, rendering Reyna impervious to damage for a short duration. However, she remains partially visible to enemies. It's vital to note that during Dismiss, Reyna cannot wield her firearm and experiences a brief delay after Dismiss ends, making timing critical in Valorant's fast-paced environment.

Dismiss Tips:

  • After securing a kill, consider using Dismiss to escape or reposition, but avoid rushing into engagements during this state.
  • An advanced tactic involves using Dismiss strategically to survive the Spike's explosion, provided you secure a kill beforehand.

X - Empress

Reyna's ultimate ability, Empress, transforms her into a formidable force. In this empowered state, her firing speed, equip speed, and reload speed receive significant enhancements. The ultimate's duration can be extended by securing kills.

While Empress is active, eliminating an enemy will automatically consume the shadow orb, negating the need to manually activate Q. However, E retains its functionality, albeit without invincibility. Empress also grants complete invisibility during E activation, facilitating repositioning and escapes. Keep in mind that a brief audio cue occurs when exiting invisibility, potentially alerting enemies to your presence.

Reyna's Playing Strategy

Reyna's playstyle is high-risk, high-reward. Properly timing and positioning her abilities are crucial for success. Her passive ability, Leer, is a cornerstone of her strategy. It briefly reveals enemy locations upon hitting them, offering a distinct advantage in duels and gathering enemy intelligence. Leer's short cooldown allows frequent usage for tracking enemy movements.

Empress, Reyna's ultimate, is a game-changer. It provides increased speed and firepower, making her a formidable adversary. Use it to push into enemy territory, secure objectives, or eliminate defending foes. Utilize Leer and Devour in tandem to swiftly dispatch enemies.

Advanced Reyna Tips

  1. Leer Placement: To make Leer harder for enemies to destroy, launch it significantly higher or lower than head level, forcing them to adjust their crosshair. This delay can give you the upper hand.
  2. Use Both Leers: If you face resistance after deploying the first Leer, don't hesitate to use the second one. Surprise opponents by varying the placement of the two Leers, keeping them off balance.
  3. Pistol Rounds: Reyna shines in pistol rounds and eco rounds. After securing a kill with your pistol, you can heal up to 150 HP while opponents lack shields. Coordinate with teammates to ensure your healing isn't disrupted.
  4. Operator Play: Reyna pairs exceptionally well with the Operator due to Leer's effectiveness. Hold strategic and aggressive angles with the Operator, throw Leer, and capitalize on the momentary disorientation to secure kills.
  5. Cancel Dismiss: Consider canceling Dismiss to catch enemies off-guard. This tactic can be especially effective against other Reynas who may anticipate you staying invulnerable until the end.
  6. Ultimate Opening: Don't hesitate to use Reyna's ultimate at the start of a round. Securing an early kill with the increased firepower can set a dominant tone for the match.
  7. Ultimate Post-Bomb Plant: Timing Reyna's ultimate a few seconds after the bomb plant can maximize its effectiveness. Use it strategically to control the retake or secure the site during a crucial phase of the round.

Best Reyna Maps

Reyna excels on several maps in Valorant:

  • Bind: Offers a balance of open spaces and tight angles, providing versatility for Reyna players.
  • Split: Features numerous flanking opportunities, ideal for Reyna's mobility.
  • Haven: Abounds in choke points and limited areas, allowing Reyna to assert control.
  • Ascent: Combines long sightlines with close-quarters combat, enabling Reyna to use her abilities effectively.
  • Icebox: Features tight spaces and multiple levels, granting Reyna opportunities to surprise and eliminate enemies swiftly.

Best Agents to Pair with Reyna for Maximum Synergy

  • Sova: His recon arrow and shock darts can reveal enemy positions, facilitating Reyna's eliminations.
  • Brimstone: His smoke and incendiaries can provide cover for Reyna's flanks and control the map.
  • Breach: His ability to create openings in walls can create opportunities for Reyna to catch enemies off-guard.
  • Phoenix: His fire abilities and ultimate can create chaos, allowing Reyna to pick off disoriented foes.
  • Jett: Jett's speed and agility can cover Reyna, and her ultimate can sow confusion for Reyna to exploit.

Closing Thoughts

We hope you found this Reyna guide informative and gained valuable tips to enhance your gameplay as this duelist agent. If you're interested in leveling up your Valorant experience, consider exploring our Valorant boosting services. Our professional players can assist you in achieving your desired rank, completing placements, and more—all in a safe and anonymous manner.

Happy hunting on the battlefield!