Mastering VALORANT Controller Play

Are you eager to elevate your skills as a VALORANT Controller? Well, you've landed in the right place. Becoming a top-notch Controller player involves more than just tossing a few smokes and calling it a day. It's a role filled with complexities, from strategic smoke placement to effective cooldown management and impeccable communication. In this guide, we'll equip you with the essential knowledge you need to excel as a VALORANT Controller.

Before we dive into the finer details, let's take a moment to identify the current Controllers in VALORANT:

  1. Astra
  2. Brimstone
  3. Harbor
  4. Omen
  5. Viper

The Controller's Role:

At a macro level, a Controller's primary task is to wield vision-blocking utility, which serves to obscure enemy vision, isolate combat situations, and facilitate map control for the team. However, the nuances of this role become evident when considering where and when to deploy these smokes. The context, positioning of players, and map layout all influence smoke placement.

Let's illustrate this with an example: Imagine an A Site Bind scenario where the attackers are pushing. Brimstone places a smoke on Truck to provide cover for the team and spike plant in the front-left corner of the site. At first glance, it seems like a decent smoke, but it narrows the map control to a mere sliver of the site, leaving the Chamber player isolated from the rest of the team. This results in a poor smoke placement, ultimately benefiting the defenders.

A better alternative involves smokes that consider Chamber's control of Showers, opening up the front of the site for the attackers, allowing them to seize map control and secure the plant.

Controller Attributes:

Currently, Controllers in VALORANT can be categorized into two types: Global Dome Controllers and Screen Controllers.

Global Dome Controllers, including Astra, Brimstone, and Omen, employ smokes shaped like domes, which can be precisely placed from various locations on the map. They are versatile and can function as solo Controllers due to their multiple dome-shaped smokes and precision placement.

Screen Controllers, represented by Viper and Harbor, use vision-blocking walls. While they also have dome-shaped smokes (Poison Cloud and Cove), these cannot be precisely placed but are vital for specialized areas on maps.

Proper Smoke Placement:

Effective use of smokes hinges on knowing where and how to place them. Let's delve into two scenarios: Smokes in Chokepoints and Smokes in Open Space.

Smokes in Chokepoints: When deploying a smoke to execute, retake, or block attacker chokepoints, ensure it's flush with the chokepoint's edge. This prevents the smoke from spilling into open spaces, limiting enemy cover options. A well-placed smoke narrows the area where enemies can emerge, making it easier to take them down.

Smokes in Open Space: Smokes in open areas or within a site's interior serve to stall and isolate angles, especially when fewer players remain in the round. Use these strategically to disrupt the attackers' plans and reduce their map control.

Defusing the Spike:

In cases where you need to defuse the spike, the best practice is to place a smoke directly on the spike. This tactic has several advantages, including concealing the defusing player, forcing enemies to spam or run into the smoke, and enabling teammates to stand in front and to the side of the smoke to engage players attempting to spam it.

Playing Offense:

On the offensive front, smokes are vital for two main situations: Defaults and Executions.

Defaulting: Smokes play a crucial role in securing map control during defaults. The choice of smokes depends on the map and strategy. The goal is to take map control and make the enemy team question your presence in certain areas. Effective cooldown management is essential when transitioning from a default to an execution.

Executing Site: Smokes are a familiar sight when executing on a site. They should be placed to block defender rotations and isolate players on-site. Always ensure your smokes are flush with chokepoints to avoid inadvertently aiding the enemy.

Playing Defense:

When defending, scenarios include retakes, early map control, and stalling.

Retakes: Retakes closely mirror site executes, where vision-blocking smokes are essential to control chokepoints and isolate enemies on-site. Be cautious not to block off teammates inadvertently, especially when they're flanking.

Early Map Control: On defense, blocking vision early in the round can impede attackers from taking ground and create uncertainty about your team's positions. This strategy pairs well with set plays to isolate players for an early pick.

Stalling: Use smokes to assist teammates when stalling attackers. Smoking chokepoints or providing a teammate with a cloud of smoke to play around can significantly disrupt enemy advances. One-way smokes can be particularly effective in this regard.

Closing Thoughts:

The Controller role is a cornerstone of success in VALORANT. Vision-blocking utility plays a vital role in shaping the game's outcomes, both offensively and defensively. To assess your performance and make improvements, review your recorded games, focusing on smoke placement and timing. Pay attention to your utility management and adapt your strategies as needed. Over time, your improvement as a Controller player will become evident in your rank and overall gameplay.

In summary, mastering the VALORANT Controller role requires a deep understanding of when and where to use your vision-blocking smokes, ensuring that you support your team's strategy and success.