Mastering Valorant's Skye: Abilities and Tips

Hello, everyone! Today, I'll be discussing Valorant's Skye, the new agent introduced in Valorant Act 3, with her release date set for October 27, 2020.

Skye belongs to the Initiator class, similar to Sova, but boasts an incredibly versatile toolkit. Her abilities include healing, flashes, and even a Phoenix-like ultimate. Here at the Valorant boosting team, we've prepared a comprehensive guide to help you master Skye's capabilities, just as we have.

Without further delay, let's delve into her abilities!

Skye's Abilities

E - Guiding Light

Skye wields a hawk trinket that launches a hawk in a straight line. However, you can manipulate the hawk's trajectory by moving your mouse while holding the fire button. Pressing E again will transform the hawk into a flash, blinding enemies.

Guiding Light Tips

  • If you don't activate it, nothing will happen, and the hawk will disappear at the end of its range.
  • Be aware that this ability can blind both you and your teammates, akin to Breach's and Phoenix's flash abilities.
  • You can move while the hawk is in flight and even guide it with your mouse. Skye can store up to 2 charges of this ability.
  • Enemies can destroy your hawk before you detonate it, so be cautious.
  • There are distinct audio cues for a failed flash and a successful one, making it valuable for gathering intel.
  • The hawk can only be destroyed by guns, Raze's satchel, Sova's shock dart, and a few others.

Q - Trailblazer

Skye deploys a Tasmanian tiger trinket, allowing her to control the tiger in the first person, while she remains in the background. Pressing fire again will make the tiger leap forward and explode, damaging enemies.

Trailblazer Tips

  • This concept is reminiscent of Phoenix's ultimate but is a basic ability for Skye.
  • Skye can hold 1 charge of this ability, and it costs 250 credits.
  • While controlling the tiger, your vision is limited, similar to Sova's drone. A timer above your Q ability displays the ability's duration.
  • The primary purpose of this ability is for gathering intel and stunning enemies. It deals damage as a secondary function, with a small amount (30 at the time of writing) and a stun effect.
  • Your tiger can be destroyed by most abilities and guns.

C - Regrowth

Skye wields a healing trinket and channels the ability by holding LMB. This heals friendly players within a circular range and line of sight, excluding those behind obstacles. She cannot heal herself, only her allies.

X - Seekers

Skye's ultimate deploys three seekers that track down the three closest enemies and nearsight them, similar to Omen's or Reyna's "blind." This ultimate costs 7 ultimate points.

Final Verdict

Skye, in my opinion, combines elements of Sova, Breach, and Sage. However, this doesn't necessarily make her better than any of them in their specific roles. She excels as an initiator and performs well on the attack, but her defense capabilities are limited. Time will tell how she fares in professional play, solo queue, or if she becomes unviable.

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Good luck with your Skye games!