Mastering Valorant's Split Map: Strategies and Tips

When it comes to mastering Valorant, understanding the intricacies of each map is essential. Among the original maps in the game, Split is one that has truly stood the test of time. Its complex design, featuring interconnected areas, numerous angles, and vertical gameplay, can be challenging for newer players. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the Split map, covering every corner and strategy to help you dominate your opponents.

Overview of Valorant Split Map

The Split map is known for its unique and maze-like layout, consisting of two spike sites: A Site and B Site. Each of these sites offers three different entrances, creating a dynamic battlefield where rotations are fast but perilous. Let's explore the key areas and callouts of this map.

Attacking Spawn and B Lobby

At the beginning of the match, attackers spawn in a massive area with two main paths. To the left lies B Lobby, which branches into two routes: B Main and B Link. B Main leads directly to the B Site, while B Link offers an alternative path.

Middle - Top Mid and Bottom Mid

The Middle area is the heart of Split, resembling a rectangular shape with four corners, each providing access to different parts of the map. Top Mid and Bottom Mid connect to both sites through various routes, making Mid control a critical objective in winning the match.

A Site - Mid Vent and A Sewer

To reach the A Site, players can traverse through Mid Vent, granting access to A Ramp, A Heaven, and Screens. Alternatively, A Sewer, connected to Bottom Mid, offers another route to A Site, allowing attackers to enter via A Main or access A Ramp and other high ground areas.

Understanding Split Map

To succeed on Split, you must prioritize control over the Middle area. Its central location offers the shortest path to any point on the map. Losing Mid control puts defenders at risk of flank attacks from multiple directions. While both A and B Sites share similar designs with elevated areas and tight entrances, they play out differently in terms of strategy.

The typical setup for this map involves placing the best defender solo on the B Site. Meanwhile, two players hold the Middle area to fend off attackers, with two more guarding the A Site. This configuration accounts for the ease and speed with which Mid players can rotate between sites, the chokepoint nature of the B Site entrance, and the favorable angles available for defenders on the A Site.

Strategies for Bombsite A

Attacking Bombsite A

Attacking the A Site may appear straightforward, but it presents its challenges. The primary goal for attackers is to avoid crossfire and sniper threats. Defenders often prefer the high ground in A Ramp, making it a crucial area for them. To counter this, attackers should utilize smokes to obscure vision in A Ramp and deploy additional smoke to prevent snipers from rotating or repositioning.

Defending Bombsite A

Defending Bombsite A requires strategic positioning. Typically, two players hold A Site, with one positioned in A Ramp and Heaven and the other on the site itself. A Ramp serves as the first line of defense, allowing defenders to cover multiple angles and thwart any push toward the Orb or the site. If pushed out of A Ramp, the player can fall back to Screens or assist their teammate on the site.

A Heaven

A Heaven is a contested area due to its strategic significance. It provides the fastest route between the A and B Sites, making it a key battleground. Players can catch enemies off guard, especially those coming from Mid Vent or A Ramp. A Heaven also offers opportunities to contest the A Site push through windows and A Rafters, as well as the option to play from the backside of A.

A Main

Control over A Main is vital for securing the Ultimate Orb and creating opportunities for your team. This open area is vulnerable to multiple angles, and engagements here greatly impact the map's outcome. Attackers should be wary of sniper users in Screens and A Ramp, but well-timed smokes can mitigate this threat. Defenders often employ area-of-effect (AOE) abilities to hold this chokepoint, making it challenging for attackers to advance.

Strategies for Bombsite B

Attacking Bombsite B

Attacking Bombsite B on Split can be a daunting task. Attackers must use utility to safely collect the Ultimate Orb and reach the site before defenders reinforce. To minimize the defenders' height advantage from B Heaven, attackers often place walls or smoke B Main. The goal is to clear angles in Backside B and on the site while neutralizing any threats from B Heaven.

Defending Bombsite B

The design of Bombsite B heavily favors defenders. Solo holding the site is a viable strategy, particularly if your team composition allows for it. Attackers typically enter through B Main, a chokepoint where Sentinel or Controller agents excel at slowing or stopping the push. Sage walls, entrance smokes, and AOE abilities make it difficult for attackers to secure a spike plant without casualties. Defenders often hold unexpected angles, such as below Heaven or behind boxes.

B Heaven

B Heaven is a pivotal area that controls access to the B Site from both Middle and Defender Spawn. It features elevation, providing opportunities for satisfying frags on rushing enemies. Key fights often occur here, as defenders attempt to deny attackers access to this area. Expect intense utility usage and skirmishes that can shape the outcome of the match.

B Main

B Main is home to the second Ultimate Orb, located closer to the defending side. It's accessible through tight corridors and wide areas, making it ideal for ability usage. Attackers often push through B Main, utilizing utility to secure the Orb before clearing angles on the site. Defenders rarely prioritize the Ultimate Orb due to the challenging angles they must hold, leading them to focus on Mid and the A Site instead.

Mastering Middle

Top Mid

Top Mid is a critical area to control or deny as it provides access to B Site through B Heaven, Defender Spawn through B Stairs, and A Heaven through Mid Vent. Defenders often set up Sage walls to secure this area. Attackers may employ smokes to nullify the elevation advantage, rendering defenders less effective.

Bottom Mid

Bottom Mid is where attackers can roam relatively unhindered. However, this area presents challenges due to unfavorable dueling angles in B Link and the elevation changes. Wall-banging is possible in B Link, making it challenging for attackers to contest Mid without using utility. Defenders usually hold positions in Mid Vent and Mid Mail to maintain control.

Navigating Attacking and Defending Spawn

Attacking Spawn

Attacking Spawn on Split is a vast area that should be traversed quickly. Its octagonal layout can delay rotations, potentially giving the enemy team an advantage. Avoid lingering in this area unless you are rotating between sites or planning significant flanks.

Defending Spawn

Similar to other maps, the Defender Spawn on Split holds a strategic advantage. It connects directly to a long hallway spanning from the B Site to the backside of the A Site. This corridor grants access to both Heaven positions on both sites and offers the fastest route for rotations between the sites.

Tips and Tricks for Success on Split

To maximize your chances of victory on Split, consider the following tips and strategies:

Team Composition

Choosing the right agent for this map is crucial. Avoid having multiple Duelists on your team, as the complex angles and chokepoints make playing without Controllers or Initiators a nightmare. Ensure a well-rounded team composition to control key areas effectively.

Utilize AOE Abilities

The map's claustrophobic design and elevation changes make AOE abilities highly effective. Agents with crowd control or damage abilities can dominate on Split, disrupting enemy movements and gaining a significant advantage.

Elevation Awareness

Pay close attention to the map's elevation changes when developing your game plan. Heaven areas, ramps, sewers, and boxes all introduce elevation variations that can impact your strategy and decision-making.

In conclusion, mastering the Split map in Valorant requires a deep understanding of its layout, key areas, and strategic nuances. By prioritizing Mid control, utilizing effective team compositions, and making strategic use of AOE abilities, you can increase your chances of success on this complex battlefield. Remember that Split rewards players who can adapt and exploit its unique design to outmaneuver their opponents. Good luck, and may your adventures on Split lead to victory!