Mastering Yoru: A Guide to Valorant's Ninja Agent

Hello everyone! Today, we will delve into Yoru, the agent introduced in Valorant's Episode 2 Act 1 in 2021.

Yoru is an Asian character with a sleek, modern ninja aesthetic. His toolkit includes a double flash, the ability to teleport across the map, and the power to go invulnerable while scouting. On paper, this may sound overpowered, but as always, the development team is committed to balancing his abilities.

In this article, I will guide you on how to effectively play Yoru in Valorant. Even if you don't play as Yoru, understanding his capabilities will help you counter him. Without further ado, let's get started!

Yoru's Playstyle:

Yoru is the stealthy ninja agent who excels at flanking and reconnaissance. He can teleport behind enemies, similar to Omen, or use it as a means of escape. Additionally, he can activate his ultimate to become invulnerable and scout the area, returning to his starting point when it expires. This ability is also reminiscent of Omen's mechanics.

Another unique skill of Yoru is his ability to create fake footsteps, which can be used to confuse enemies. Finally, his flash ability adds another layer of versatility to his toolkit, as it bounces off walls before activation, making it challenging for opponents to avoid.

Yoru's Abilities:

Now, let's dive into Yoru's abilities, detailing what they do and how to utilize them effectively.

1. Fakeout:

Fakeout is a creative ability that allows you to send a decoy of Yoru in a straight line, mimicking his movements. You can immediately send it forward with a left-click or place it in a specific location with a right click, activating it when needed. When enemies shoot at the decoy, it redirects towards the shooter and emits a blinding flash. This ability is excellent for confusing enemies during pushes, baiting opponents when scouting, or surprising close-range enemies by creating opportunities for kills.

2. Blindside:

Blindside is Yoru's flash ability. It works by throwing a fragment that activates upon contact with a hard surface, such as a wall or box, bouncing off before flashing. The duration of the flash varies depending on whether the enemy looks away. The most effective use of this ability is for corner flashing when entering or peeking a site. You can also use it to protect yourself while teleporting. Timing is crucial; throwing your teleport, popping the flash, and teleporting right before the flash detonates can minimize the impact on you.

3. Gatecrash:

Similar to Fakeout, Yoru's Gatecrash ability lets you send an orb in a straight line with a left-click or place it by right-clicking. You have 20 seconds to reactivate the ability and teleport to its location. You can also fake teleport to it, fooling enemies with audio and visual cues. Enemies can detect and destroy the orb if they are within range. This ability offers a wide range of tactical possibilities, including placing it outside the site during pushes or using it for flanking. It costs 200 credits, has two charges, and resets on every two kills.

4. Dimensional Drift:

Yoru's ultimate ability grants him invulnerability within a short circular range. Enemies within this range can hear Yoru's footsteps but cannot see or harm him, while those outside the range cannot hear him at all. During this time, Yoru cannot use firearms but can still use his other abilities. After 10 seconds, the ultimate ends, and Yoru returns to the normal dimension. This ability is ideal for flanking, site scouting, capturing objectives, or safely navigating dangerous areas during rotations.

Yoru's Pistol Round Buy:

In pistol rounds, consider the Ghost, one Fakeout, and one Blindside as a standard buy. Against certain agents like Killjoy, deploying the Fakeout can trigger their abilities, potentially forcing a rotation.

Alternatively, you can opt for double flashes and a light shield, sacrificing one-tap potential with the Ghost for increased survivability and more flash utility, which can be highly effective in pistol rounds.

Yoru Strategy:

To enhance your Yoru gameplay, practice Gatecrash lineups, which you can find on YouTube from popular streamers. Additionally, work on your pop flashes, where you bounce your flash off the floor or a wall to catch enemies off guard and secure kills. YouTube is a valuable resource for finding Yoru pop flash guides.

A clever tactic is to conceal your Gatecrash placement with your flashes. If you throw a Gatecrash a long distance, enemies may spot it traveling. To maintain the element of surprise, pop a flash at the right moment, blinding them as your Gatecrash comes into their line of sight. This allows you to teleport and secure a kill.

Final Thoughts:

I hope you found this Yoru guide informative and enjoyable! Whether you're new to playing Yoru or aiming to improve your skills, remember that practice is key to mastering his abilities. With dedication, you can rank up using Yoru's unique toolkit.

If you encounter difficulties in ranking up, consider exploring our Valorant rank-boosting services; we are here to assist you. Additionally, check out our Valorant Agent Tier List to assess Yoru's current viability in the game.

Thank you for reading, and best of luck in your Valorant adventures!