The Best Valorant Deadlock Guide - Pro Tips & Tricks

Hey everyone! Today I'll talk about the new Valorant's agent called Deadlock. Deadlock is the newest Sentinel to be added to Valorant. She has skills that slow down and trap enemies.

You can get her if you finish her Agent Recruitment event, spend VP, or sign up for Xbox Game Pass. Then, if you want to use Deadlock in a game, you need to know some simple tips and tricks about how to use her skills to get the most out of her. Also make sure to check our Valorant tier list to see whether Deadlock is currently meta or not.

Since I'm a professional Valorant booster here at Boosting Factory, I need to know all agents inside out in order to perform well when, for example, rank boosting in Valorant for my clients and they requested Deadlock to be used.

Without further ado, let's dig in!

Deadlock Release Date

Deadlock will join the Valorant Roster when Episode 7 Act 1 comes out on June 27, 2023.

As part of the new development system that will be introduced in Episode Seven, Deadlock should be the first agent to be unlocked by the new limited-time agent recruitment event.

Matches played and rounds won will count toward new daily tasks that give the XP needed to unlock Deadlock. However, players with a Game Pass subscription can unlock her right away, or they can buy her with VALORANT points.

Deadlock Abilities

Deadlock should have a lot of power over the map, but developer comments show that her abilities are set up differently than those of sentinels like Cypher and Killjoy, who set up more straightforward setups.

Deadlock will help with defensive setups, but she will really make a difference during retakes and after plants.

GravNet (C )

Gravnet grenade can be thrown regularly or underhand. When it lands, it will explode, making enemies in its area crouch and move more slowly.

GravNet Tips

GravNet can catch enemies by slowing them down, and you can use it to clear corners by rushing them after they get caught in it. But if you're not sure where the enemy is, you should ask an initiator for help so you don't lose your utility.

You can also use it to stop push or post plant situations by pairing it with a molly or grenade. By the time the enemy removes the net, the molly will have done a lot of damage or even killed them. You just have to do it quickly.

Work with your team and pair your GravNet grenade with for example Raze bomb from your teammate when you know where the enemy is.

You should know that enemies can remove the effect from them similar to Cypher's dart is removed. 

Sonic Sensor (Q)

Use the Sonic Sensor to listen for enemy players making noise in a certain area. If any loud noises, like gunfire or footsteps, are heard, that exact area will be hit with a concussion area effect similar to Breach's.

Sonic Sensor Tips

Now you can use it to hold the areas near you, but it won't help you at all if the enemy is walking quietly.

So, it's better to use it to stop the enemies from getting to the spot, and once they're stunned, you can take early kills. When placed next to the spike, Sonic Sensor can also be used in situations after the plant has been placed.

Barrier Mesh (E)

When you throw the Barrier Mesh disc, it will make four barriers that shoot out at 90-degree angles from the disc. These barriers will stop enemy agents from moving or using their abilities.

Barrier Mesh Tips

Barrier Mesh can block multiple angles for you and is great for rushing the sites because it can help you isolate the enemies and stop them from rushing you while you're placing the spike. If you are on the defense side, you can use it to stop their push, especially on pistol rounds.

Aside from this, breaking the Barrier Mesh will cost your opponents a lot of bullets, which can work to your benefit since the Reserve Ammo for Phantom and Vandal has been reduced. But remember that bullets can get through the barrier!

You can experiment with trapping enemies in corners with it where their only escape is to actually break the wall.

Annihilation (X)

Send out a pulse of nanowires that will grab the first enemy in its way. The enemy will then be wrapped in a cocoon and pulled along a path of the ability. The agent will die if they get to the end of the wire without being saved by his team.

Annihilation Tips

You can bounce it off of a wall or a roof, and it is very useful to used when for example an enemy is planting and you bounce it off a wall onto them without even exposing yourself. But the opponent can easily avoid the ultimate by moving because it takes like a second for it to activate similar to Sova's ultimate, so I recommend pairing it with Sonic Sensor or GravNet, which will slow down the enemy and make it harder for them to get away.

If you're in a 1v1 situation, it's best to use this ultimate on a single player because there won't be anyone to break the cocoon and the enemy will die if they get caught in it.

It's also good to experiment with picking up multiple kills. Capture one enemy with the ultimate and wait for the savior to come in and try to save them, kill him then, and let your ult kill the first guy. Win-win.

Annihilation's ability to mess with your mind can throw you off track. You should frequently use annihilation to make the distance of the cocoon as long as possible so you have time to kill other enemies while the first one is stuck in a cocoon and they try to save him.

Final Words

Thank you for reading my Deadlock guide! I hope you learned something. If you think we should change or add something feel free to contact support just below on the live chat.