The Epic Saga of Valorant's Ascent

Welcome to a deep dive into the rich lore and captivating story behind one of Valorant's most enigmatic maps, Ascent. In this extensive exploration, we'll unravel the narrative in a series of compelling sections to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of this intriguing piece of the Valorant universe.

Section 1: The Real-Life Inspiration Behind Ascent

  • Venice, Italy - Ascent's Real-Life CounterpartDiscover how Ascent's in-game setting mirrors the enchanting city of Venice, Italy.
  • Explore the loading screen coordinates that lead directly to the Santa Maria Della Salute basilica.
  • Gain insight into how Riot Games faithfully recreated Venice's charm within the map.

Section 2: Ascent's Unique Gameplay Features

  • A Closer Look at Ascent's Map LayoutAnalyze the map's structure, including A-sites, B-sites, and the dynamic Mid-section.
  • Examine the multiple routes that connect Mid from various angles, fostering strategic depth.
  • Highlight the tactical significance of the lever-operated doors that can seal off map sections.

Section 3: The Beginnings of the Ascent Lore

  • Duelists Cinematic: Phoenix vs. JettDive into the cinematic that marked the beginning of Valorant's lore on Ascent.
  • Witness the intense battle between two duelist agents, Phoenix and Jett, over a mysterious backpack item.
  • Explore the consequences of Phoenix's ultimate ability and the shocking revelation of a floating city.

Section 4: Jett and Phoenix - Agents from Different Worlds

  • The Multiverse ConnectionUncover the backstory that reveals Jett's origin from Mirror Earth and Phoenix's affiliation with Valorant's world.
  • Learn how Jett, with the stolen spike, triggers a chain of events that reshape Ascent's destiny.
  • Delve into Sage's inquiry about "the package" and its significance in the unfolding story.

Section 5: The Impact of Radianite on Ascent

  • Radianite and Ascent's A-siteInvestigate the connection between Radianite and the floating city, with a focus on Ascent's A-site.
  • Examine Kingdom Corporation's influence, evident through advanced technology and the Kingdom logo.
  • Decode the mysteries of the energy source above the Santa Maria Della Salute basilica.

Section 6: The Secrets of B-site and Multiple Spikes

  • B-site's Hidden Radianite StashUnravel the enigma of B-site's traditional architecture and its association with Radianite.
  • Speculate on the possibility of multiple spikes being planted to steal Radianite, causing the city's disruption.
  • Explore the implications of the VALORANT Protocol's actions or oversights in response to the crisis.

Section 7: The Complex Relationship Between Jett and Phoenix

  • Jett and Phoenix: Best Friends in Parallel UniversesAnalyze the intriguing dynamics between Jett and Phoenix, who are best friends in the Valorant lore.
  • Delve into the complexities of their relationship, fueled by the revelation of parallel universes.

Section 8: Ascent's Rich Details - A Snapshot of Pre-Disaster Life

  • Life Before Ascent's CataclysmStep back in time to when Ascent was a thriving city with vibrant stores catering to its residents.
  • Explore the inclusion of elements like a vinery and the famous Gelato shop in A-Lobby.
  • Witness B-site's boat workshop, reflecting Venice's historic connection with waterways.

Section 9: Kingdom Corporation's Influence and Sinister Presence

  • The Reach of Kingdom CorporationUnmask Kingdom Corporation's ominous presence through propaganda posters featuring rats.
  • Examine the purpose of canons atop buildings on A-site, connected to on-site generators.
  • Speculate on Kingdom's motivations and their exploitation of the tragedy.

Section 10: Ascent's Future and Beyond

  • A Glimpse into the FutureReflect on how Riot Games initiated the Valorant lore with Ascent.
  • Anticipate the continuation of the Valorant storyline and the mysteries that lie ahead.


As we conclude this extensive journey through the captivating lore and story of Valorant's Ascent, we hope you have gained a deeper appreciation for the intricate narrative woven into the game's maps. Valorant's world is filled with mysteries waiting to be unraveled, and Ascent is just the beginning of an epic saga that continues to evolve. Stay tuned for more thrilling adventures in the world of Valorant!


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