The Essential Valorant Phoenix Guide: Your Ultimate Resource for Dominance

Phoenix Abilities:

Like most agents, Phoenix boasts three regular abilities (Blaze, Curveball, and Hot Hands) and an ultimate ability, Run it Back. His passive ability, "Heating Up," adds another layer of complexity to his play style. Let's dive into each ability:

Blaze (C):

Phoenix's first ability, Blaze, allows him to conjure a moving wall of flames. This wall obstructs vision and damages any players who pass through it. A unique feature of Blaze is its curvature, which you can control by holding down the mouse button. Additionally, Phoenix heals when inside the wall.

Cost: 200 Creds

Charges: 1

Duration: 8 seconds

Damage: 30 health per second

Healing: 50 HP if Phoenix remains within the wall for the full 8-second duration

Curveball (Q):

Curveball, Phoenix's signature ability, is a flash that serves as his primary utility for entry fragging. It can be deployed in two directions, left (MOUSE1) or right (MOUSE2), providing Phoenix with a potent tool for blinding enemies and securing kills.

Cost: 250 Creds

Charges: 2

Debuff Duration: Up to 1.5 seconds (duration varies based on proximity to the flash)

Windup: 0.5 seconds

Hot Hands (E):

Hot Hands, a free ability that recharges after acquiring 2 kills in a single round, equips Phoenix with a throwable molly. This versatile tool can clear angles and heal Phoenix. The molly ignites upon reaching the ground after approximately 25 meters of flight.

Cost: Free

Charges: 1 (recharges after 2 kills)

Duration: 3.25 seconds

Damage: 60 health per second

Healing: 50 HP if Phoenix remains within the molly for the full 3.25-second duration

Run it Back (X):

Run it Back is Phoenix's ultimate ability. When activated, it marks his current location, allowing him to return to it upon death or when the ability timer expires. This ultimate empowers Phoenix to aggressively engage, inflict damage, and then return to life to continue the fight.

Ultimate Points: 6

Duration: 10 seconds

Phoenix Tips and Tricks:

Now, let's uncover some valuable tips and tactics for maximizing Phoenix's potential:

Phantom over Vandal on Phoenix:

While the choice between the Vandal and Phantom often boils down to personal preference, many Phoenix mains prefer the Phantom. Phoenix's kit synergizes exceptionally well with the Phantom, as his aggressive playstyle benefits from the Phantom's faster spray transfers and lower time to kill at close range.

Wall and Flash Combo:

One of the most renowned tactics with Phoenix involves combining his wall and flash. Launching the wall and then flashing through it can catch enemies off guard, leaving them fully blinded and vulnerable.

Molly Line-ups:

Phoenix's molly is a powerful tool when used strategically. Avoid tossing mollys randomly and instead employ precise line-ups for after-plant situations or retaking specific positions. Utilize the environment to your advantage and practice these line-ups for maximum effectiveness.

Use Ultimate Wisely:

Phoenix's ultimate is one of Valorant's best aggressive ultimates. However, it's crucial to use it wisely. In some situations, consider using it to retrieve a dropped Spike or to secure a weapon when you're unarmed. Additionally, utilizing the ultimate early can provide valuable information to your team. Coordinate with your teammates to make the most of the ultimate's disruptive potential.

Use Your Curveball High:

To catch your opponents off guard, aim slightly higher than usual when throwing Curveball. This unexpected trajectory can minimize reaction time and increase your success rate.

Maps Where Phoenix Shines:

Phoenix excels on maps like Haven and Fracture. In Haven, his flash-peek strategy capitalizes on the map's numerous corners, making him a formidable choice for both attack and defense. Fracture, with its four orb points, allows Phoenix to farm his ultimate more efficiently, making him a popular pick.

Is Phoenix Easy to Learn?

Phoenix is an excellent agent for beginners due to his straightforward kit. While mastering his flashes may take some practice, Phoenix is relatively easy to pick up and provides an enjoyable experience for players of all skill levels.


Phoenix is a fantastic agent to consider if you're not already using him. His kit packs a punch, and many professional players favor him not only in ranked games but also in official matches. If you're looking to climb the ranks in Valorant, be sure to explore our Valorant Boosting Service. Our experienced players are ready to help you achieve your desired rank quickly and securely. Your journey to Valorant success starts here!"