The Top Valorant Agents in Patch 7.04

Welcome to our Valorant agent tier list designed to help you navigate ranked play. This tier list is a collaborative effort, curated by our Immortal 3+ experts from the NA, EU, and OCE regions.

This list is intended to assist players whether they are queuing solo or with a team, with a slight preference for cooperative team strategies over solo carry attempts.

Valorant Agent Tier List (Patch 7.04)

Click the icons for champion builds, counters, and more!

S-tier Agents

  1. Jett
  2. Omen
  3. Reyna
  4. Skye
  5. Killjoy
  6. Raze

A-tier Agents

  1. Sova
  2. Viper
  3. Brimstone
  4. Phoenix

B-tier Agents

  1. Astra
  2. Breach
  3. Chamber
  4. Deadlock
  5. Cypher
  6. Fade
  7. Sage

C-tier Agents

  1. Harbor
  2. Kay/0
  3. Yoru
  4. Gekko
  5. Neon

For a deeper dive into our methodology and agent-specific explanations (including their relative difficulties), please refer to this page.

Please note that, at the start of the patch, we offer predictive placements based on anticipated buffs and nerfs. Check back midway through the patch for updates. If the tier list remains the same, it means our initial predictions were accurate.

Predictive Valorant Tier List for Ranked Play

Tier Agents

S-tier Omen, Jett, Reyna, Skye, Killjoy, Raze

A-tier Sova, Viper, Brimstone, Phoenix

B-tier Astra, Breach, Chamber, Deadlock, Cypher, Fade, Sage

C-tier Harbor, Kay/0, Yoru, Gekko, Neon

Agent Insights

Below, we provide detailed insights explaining the reasoning behind each agent's tier placement. Should you have any questions or need further clarifications, please don't hesitate to ask in the comments.

S-tier Agents


Jett is a versatile agent suitable for both offensive and defensive plays. She excels at creating space for the team on offense and can also effectively use the Operator or play aggressively on defense. Her Ultimate can turn eco rounds in your favor, making her a high-impact choice. Although she received some nerfs, her kit still enables her to carry games. For maximizing her potential, we recommend exploring a comprehensive Jett guide from our website for expert tips and strategies.


Omen serves as a controller with a kit ideal for making individual plays. His near-sight ability can also contribute to team play. Omen can occupy positions that opponents may not clear or flush out, making him valuable in less coordinated scenarios.


Reyna is the epitome of a selfish agent designed for personal performance, making her an excellent choice for Solo Queue Ranked. Her ability to capitalize on enemy contacts is unmatched in less coordinated play, allowing her to dismiss or heal without relying on teammates.


Skye's kit thrives on communication and teamwork, providing significant value in terms of information gathering, teammate setup, healing, and self-sufficiency.


Killjoy is the most formidable Sentinel and possibly the most potent agent in VALORANT at the moment. She's almost a must-pick on all maps, or at the very least, a strong one.


Raze is a duelist with the ability to gather information, create space, and excel defensively. Her versatile skill set allows her to make impactful solo plays, especially with her blast packs. After the Jett nerfs, Raze is arguably the top duelist due to her massive AoE damage potential and high mobility.

A-tier Agents


Sova's utility can be particularly effective in lower ranks, where opponents often fail to destroy it, providing more value. In higher ranks with better coordination, Sova's utility complements duelists and can have a significant individual impact in clutch situations.


Viper becomes essential on certain maps and can take control of the game when her team successfully plants the spike. Her post-plant utility can be devastating against slow retake teams, and she excels at accumulating ultimate points for guaranteed round wins.


Brimstone is easy to pick up and helps the team with smokes while focusing on gunplay. His utility, especially in post-plant situations, shines in less coordinated games, where retakes tend to be slower.


Phoenix's buffs have made him a stronger agent across all environments. Although he possesses a selfish kit with potential for individual plays, he lacks the space-creating abilities of the S-tier duelists.

B-tier Agents


Astra's kit demands high levels of coordination with the team. She's one of the more challenging agents to make solo plays with, but her effectiveness increases as you climb the ranks.


Breach is a powerful agent but requires extensive coordination to reach his full potential. His value increases as you progress to higher ranks.


Chamber has seen increased usage and utility after certain range-related buffs. The extended range of his abilities allows him to cover more territory, enhancing his overall impact.


Deadlock's kit is proficient at stalling large pushes and post-plant situations. However, the precision required to use her Barrier Mesh and GravNet limits their effectiveness. To capitalize on her utility, additional agents are often needed to punish affected enemies.


Cypher's viability has improved with effective buffs and the decline of Chamber. The enhanced tripwire options have opened up creative strategies and lineups that players are still exploring.


Fade's kit is robust and can be leveraged effectively by teammates even with minimal communication and coordination. Each component of her kit offers value, and her abilities require less precision compared to Sova's.


Sage acts as a versatile duelist capable of countering 5-man rushes. Her self-healing capability, combined with wall placement, enables heroic plays.

C-tier Agents


Harbor excels in professional play, where double Controllers in coordinated gameplay can be highly effective. However, in ranked play, coordinating with two Controllers is challenging, and his vision-blocking utility makes it difficult to execute individual plays.


Kay/0 has a robust kit, but some of his abilities have been nerfed. His utility is better suited for setting up teammates and may not thrive in solo queue environments.


Yoru's kit possesses merit but often leaves him vulnerable unless perfectly set up by teammates with information and initiator abilities. Other duelists offer more flexible movement, making it easier to capitalize on teammates' utility.


Gekko's kit doesn't provide enough incentive to choose him over other Initiators. His only unique advantage is the ability to passively plant and defuse the spike, along with shorter cooldowns for his utility.


As a duelist, Neon relies on substantial resources from teammates and struggles to leverage most maps, except for Fracture and Pearl. Other duelists can perform better independently.

Optimal Valorant Team Compositions by Map


Recommended Team: Sova, Omen, Killjoy, Jett, KAY/O


Recommended Team: Skye, Killjoy, Brimstone, Raze, Breach


Recommended Team: Sova, Killjoy, Omen, Jett, Breach


Recommended Team: Brimstone, Raze, Skye, Chamber, Viper


Recommended Team: Fade, Killjoy, Skye, Jett, Astra


Recommended Team: Killjoy, Viper, Raze, Omen, Skye


Recommended Team: Skye, Breach, Cypher, Raze, Omen

These team compositions are potent options for each of Valorant's maps. Feel free to adapt them based on your agent pool, but ensure you make thoughtful substitutions. For more insights, check our dedicated Team Compositions by Map guide.

Format and Methodology

Tier Ratings

S-tier agents are optimal for the current meta and are expected to fit into nearly all team compositions on almost every map.

A-tier agents are very strong but may not be as consistent as S-tier. They can perform well in most team compositions and on most maps, but exceptions may arise.

B-tier agents are less powerful compared to their counterparts, exhibit inconsistency, or rely on specific maps or team compositions to excel.

C-tier agents are considered weak picks, lacking clear advantages over other agents and yet not being the worst choices in the meta.

Agent Difficulties

These difficulty ratings are tailored more towards newer players (Iron, Bronze, and Silver ranks) and indicate the time and experience required to contribute effectively to your team relative to other agents.

Examples for each difficulty tier:

  • Brimstone (Easy): Brimstone is an ideal choice for beginners with straightforward and easy-to-understand abilities. His abilities can be safely used from behind cover and remain valuable even when playing from a defensive position.
  • Cypher (Average): Cypher's abilities demand more macro understanding compared to Brimstone. You must grasp the proper placement of gadgets, balancing camera usage, and deploying gadgets strategically. While defending is forgiving for beginners, playing offense requires understanding lurking and anticipating flanking routes to make the most of your Trapwires.
  • Sova (Hard): Becoming an effective Sova player necessitates spending time in custom games to practice ability lineups with your arrows. Failing to do so may lead to missed Shock Darts and Recon Darts landing in unproductive areas. Due to the substantial time and precision required, Sova is challenging for newcomers compared to other agents.