The Ultimate Valorant Jett Guide: Your Comprehensive Resource.

Jett distinguishes herself from other duelists like Reyna, Raze, and Phoenix with her exceptional ability to hold angles that would be untenable for her counterparts. This is primarily due to her trade and run potential, making her a formidable choice in high-stakes engagements.

Unlike Reyna, who must secure a kill and activate her immunity to reposition after a 1v1 encounter, Jett can secure the kill or even fail to trade effectively, and yet, she possesses the remarkable ability to dash away effortlessly on demand. No kills are required for her to initiate this swift escape, offering her unparalleled maneuverability.

Jett's Abilities: A Closer Look

Now, let's delve into the specifics of Jett's abilities and how you can harness their full potential to rapidly climb the Valorant ranks.

Passive: Drift

Jett's passive ability grants her the unique ability to glide through the air, effectively slowing her descent when the space key is held.


Jett can store up to two charges of Cloudburst, each priced at 200 credits. These Cloudbursts create brief but effective smokescreens, lasting for 4.5 seconds. A lesser-known trick is the ability to alter the trajectory of these smokes by holding down the Cloudburst key and adjusting your mouse movements accordingly. Take some time to practice this in the game's practice mode to become proficient.

Cloudburst Tips:

  • Deploy Cloudburst rapidly in on-the-fly situations to obstruct the enemy's line of sight, creating a brief window for a strategic escape or repositioning.
  • Remember that the minimap displays the precise landing location of your Cloudburst, aiding in your positioning strategy.
  • Employ mind games by curving the smoke around corners, and deceiving enemies about your actual location. This allows you to safely smoke key areas and execute tactical pushes.
  • Always aim for the center of your desired smoke location when throwing Cloudburst to ensure maximum coverage and obstruction.
  • Collaborate with your team to synchronize Cloudburst usage with other smoke abilities, disrupting the enemy's vision and fortifying your control over crucial map areas.


Tailwind is Jett's basic mobility ability, propelling her in the direction corresponding to the keys pressed (W, A, S, D, and diagonals). She can dash in eight different directions. Jett cannot dash vertically, but combining the dash with a jump can provide elevation, which can surprise unwary opponents. This ability is free and recharges after Jett secures two kills.

Tailwind Tips:

  • In scenarios where Jett, as a defender, eliminates one rushing enemy but sustains damage, she can swiftly dash away to reassess the situation, showcasing her unparalleled mobility.
  • Jett's agility often catches enemies off guard, leading them to neglect certain angles. Capitalize on this by holding positions that allow you to dash out of the enemy's line of sight when necessary.
  • Always plan your escape route when using Tailwind. Avoid holding angles that leave you with no viable escape path.
  • Be mindful of the brief delay after dashing when you cannot fire your weapon. Utilize Tailwind strategically to bait out enemy abilities, forcing them to use their utilities prematurely.
  • Maintain proper crosshair placement before dashing to minimize the time it takes to regain control and fire upon landing.


Jett can store two charges of Updraft, each costing 150 credits. This ability propels her into the air, allowing for precise jumps and even controlled floating when the space key is held.

Updraft Tips:

  • Combine multiple Updraft charges to achieve remarkable heights, granting you access to unconventional positions and potentially securing kills across the map.
  • Keep in mind that when floating with Updraft, your weapon accuracy is significantly reduced. However, during your ultimate ability, your shots remain precise.
  • Utilize Updraft to reach otherwise inaccessible locations, evade Molotovs in clutch situations, and more.
  • Create smokescreens at elevated positions by pairing Updraft with Cloudburst, obstructing sniper sightlines, and offering cover during attacks from above.
  • In close-quarters combat, change your vertical position using Updraft to make it challenging for opponents to track and hit you effectively.


Jett's ultimate ability equips her with six deadly knives. She can fire them individually with a left-click or unleash all at once with a right-click. These knives are incredibly accurate, exhibiting no recoil. However, right-clicking sacrifices precision and should primarily be used in close combat.

Each knife inflicts 50 damage to the body and an impressive 150 to the head, making headshots lethal. There's a 0.2-second delay between each knife if you rapidly press the primary fire button. Additionally, there's a 1.5-second delay before you can draw the knives, so it's advisable to activate your ultimate preemptively rather than in the heat of battle.

Bladestorm Tips:

  • While Bladestorm is generally overshadowed by high-powered rifles like the Vandal, it can prove invaluable in eco rounds or for executing audacious clutches, particularly when paired with Updraft.
  • An often overlooked facet of Bladestorm is its full precision even when floating with Updraft. This provides a tremendous advantage. Ensure you hug walls while floating and peeking angles to maximize your chances of securing kills.
  • Right-clicking with Bladestorm unleashes all remaining knives in a close-ranged burst, dealing substantial damage to enemies within its cone of effect. Utilize this feature when confronting multiple foes at close range or when precision takes a backseat to swift damage output.
  • Bladestorm excels in close to mid-range encounters due to its accuracy and one-shot potential. Avoid engaging in long-range duels where rifle-wielding enemies hold the upper hand. Instead, capitalize on Jett's mobility to close the gap and employ her knives in more favorable engagements.

Shotguns and Jett:

Jett's ability to aggressively hold tight corners, paired with her swift escape using Dash, makes shotguns a viable choice when your budget is tight. Holding a defensive angle where opponents are expected to pass through allows you to eliminate them with a single shot. In situations with multiple foes, Jett can execute remarkable plays by combining Updraft to position herself above her adversaries, potentially securing multiple kills before dashing away. In particularly dire situations, consider deploying a smoke followed by a dash to impede enemy progress and heighten the risk of them encountering a swift demise.

Jett with the Operator:

Jett also stands as a viable Operator player. Her dash ability enables her to peek, secure a kill or miss, and dash to safety if necessary. While Operator players might find themselves in peril if swarmed, Jett can deploy her Bladestorm to fend off assailants.

Secret Jett Tips:

  1. Silent Landing: Jett's mobility enables her to reach elevated positions, but landing often generates noise that can betray her presence. To execute a silent landing, utilize Updraft to jump and activate Tailwind just before landing, eliminating the telltale landing noise and preserving your stealth.
  2. Wall-boosting with Updraft: Discover unconventional locations on various maps where you can employ Updraft to boost yourself onto walls or other narrow surfaces inaccessible to other agents. This not only provides unexpected angles but also confuses your opponents.
  3. Bouncing Cloudburst: With practice, you can bounce Jett's Cloudburst off walls and surfaces, reaching otherwise challenging or impossible smoking locations. Mastering this technique empowers your team with unique advantages.
  4. Double Jump with Updraft: Combine Updraft with a well-timed jump to perform a double jump, increasing your height substantially. This grants access to even higher vantage points and enables surprising plays.
  5. Quick-switch after Bladestorm Throws: To reduce the delay between throwing Bladestorm knives, swiftly switch to your weapon and back to Bladestorm. This rapid switch allows for faster knife throws, granting you an edge in rapid-fire engagements.

In conclusion, we hope you've found our comprehensive Jett guide enlightening and insightful. By implementing these strategies and tips, you'll likely experience smoother gameplay and improved performance. If you still face challenges, don't hesitate to explore our Valorant rank-boosting services, where our professional Valorant players can assist you in achieving your desired rank. Our services are completely anonymous, secure, and swift, with multiple divisions attainable daily. You can even team up with our professionals for a firsthand look at how the pros dominate. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your Valorant experience.

Happy hunting on the battlefield!