Unleash Your Inner Engineer with Killjoy in Valorant

Killjoy is Valorant’s Latest Agent: A Guide to Mastering Her Abilities

Killjoy, the engineering prodigy, joined the Valorant roster with the launch of Act 2 on August 4th, 2020. As a formidable female agent, she specializes in engineering, deploying turrets, and unleashing devastating bombs. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of Killjoy's abilities and how to excel with her in the game.

Killjoy's Role in Valorant

Killjoy is known for her exceptional solo site defending capabilities, and we will explain why this makes her a valuable asset to any team. I'm a Valorant booster at GBoosting, and I'm excited to share my expertise with you through this guide. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting with Killjoy, this guide will help you harness her potential.

Read more: Guide to weapon types in Valorant

Killjoy Abilities

Let's dive right into Killjoy's abilities and how to make the most of them in Valorant.

Alarmbot (C)

Killjoy's Alarmbot is a versatile tool. Upon activation, she places a small alarm bot with mechanics similar to Sage's wall. After a brief delay, it turns invisible, akin to Cypher's camera upon placement.

When an enemy enters its radius, the Alarmbot rushes towards them and explodes. While its damage output is relatively low, its primary function is to scout, much like Cypher's tripwire. Notably, enemies hit by the Alarmbot take double damage from all sources due to a debuff it applies.

You can recall the robot by equipping it when you're in close proximity, similar to how Cypher can retrieve his tripwires. Keep in mind that enemies can destroy the Alarmbot with bullets and abilities. To maximize its effectiveness, change its placement regularly to keep your adversaries guessing. Fun fact: Raze took inspiration from Killjoy's Alarmbot to create her Boombot in the game's lore.

Turret (Q)

Killjoy's turret is a valuable asset for gathering intel and applying minor damage. When deployed, it takes 0.75 seconds to start shooting upon detecting an enemy within its range. The turret fires in 3-bullet bursts, with varying damage based on distance.

While it doesn't deal significant damage, the turret can distract enemies, creating opportunities for you and your team to secure kills. Given Valorant's quick time-to-kill, this distraction can be invaluable.

Enemies can destroy your turret, but even if it's destroyed, you gain valuable information about enemy positions. Plus, it's on cooldown, so you can deploy it again strategically.

Nanoswarm (E)

Killjoy's Nanoswarm is a lethal grenade that can control tight areas. It shares similarities with Cypher's cage, with a circular radius. Before activation, it remains invisible. Once triggered by Killjoy, it inflicts damage to anyone within its area of effect.

Killjoy can carry up to two Nanoswarms. However, unlike Cypher's cage, Nanoswarm can be destroyed by bullets and abilities. When placing it, ensure that enemies can't immediately spot it upon entering the area. Rotate its placement to catch enemies off guard.

The Nanoswarm's range is substantial, and its damage output is formidable. It can eliminate enemies in seconds, much like Brimstone's molly. Combining the Alarmbot with the Nanoswarm in tight areas is a deadly strategy; if the Alarmbot detects an enemy, activating the Nanoswarm can secure the kill.

Lockdown (Ultimate)

Killjoy's ultimate, Lockdown, costs 7 ultimate points. She deploys a spike-like device that gradually increases its range. After 13 seconds, it explodes and applies a debuff to all enemies within its radius, preventing them from using abilities or weapons for 8 seconds. However, opponents can destroy it before it detonates.

Lockdown serves as a disruptive tool rather than a debuffing mechanism. It forces enemies to move and abandon their hiding spots, providing your team with an opportunity to control the site, plant or defuse the spike, and gain valuable time.

Wrapping It Up

Thank you for taking the time to read my comprehensive guide to playing Killjoy in Valorant. I hope you've gained valuable insights into her abilities and strategies to improve your Killjoy games.

If you're facing challenges reaching your desired rank, consider exploring our Valorant boosting services at GBoosting. Our professional boosters can help you achieve your goals with safety, anonymity, and ease. Don't hesitate to reach out and elevate your Valorant experience today!


1. How do I use Killjoy's Alarmbot effectively?

To use the Alarmbot effectively, place it in strategic locations where enemies are likely to pass through. Keep changing its placement to catch opponents off guard. When it detects an enemy, it rushes towards them and deals double damage from all sources.

2. What is the primary role of Killjoy's turret?

Killjoy's turret is primarily used for gathering information and creating distractions. Deploy it in areas where it can spot enemies, and its fire bursts can distract opponents, allowing you to secure kills.

3. Can Killjoy's Nanoswarm be destroyed?

Yes, Killjoy's Nanoswarm can be destroyed by both bullets and abilities. To maximize its effectiveness, place it in concealed locations where enemies won't immediately spot it.

4. How should I use Killjoy's Lockdown ultimate?

Killjoy's Lockdown ultimate is excellent for disrupting opponents. Use it to force enemies out of hiding spots, gain control of the site, and create opportunities for your team to secure objectives.


Mastering Killjoy's abilities in Valorant can be a game-changer for your gameplay. Her engineering skills and tactical gadgets make her a formidable agent. Whether you're defending sites, gathering intel, or disrupting your opponents, Killjoy can turn the tide of battle in your favor. So, equip yourself with knowledge, strategize, and unleash your inner engineer with Killjoy!