Vandal vs. Phantom: The Ultimate Valorant Weapon Showdown


In the ever-evolving world of Valorant, players are always on the lookout for the best weapons to boost their performance. Two popular rifles, Vandal and Phantom, are frequently debated. This detailed comparison, brought to you by GBoosting, offers clarity on their distinct pros and cons.

1. Vandal vs. Phantom: The Numbers Game

When comparing Vandal and Phantom, it’s essential to delve into their basic statistics:

Fire Rate:

  • Vandal: 9.75 rds/sec
  • Phantom: 11 rds/sec

Range and Damage:

  • Vandal: Consistent damage across all ranges.
  • Phantom: Varies based on range (0-15 / 15-30 / 30-45 meters).

Damage Breakdown:

  • Vandal: 160 (headshot), 40 (body), 34 (leg).
  • Phantom: 156/140/124 (headshot), 39/35/31 (body), 33/29/26 (leg).

Vandal excels with consistent damage across ranges. However, Phantom offers a faster fire rate and damage variation based on distance.

2. Time To Kill (TTK) – A Crucial Metric

TTK determines how long it takes to eliminate an opponent:

  • Vandal: Consistent across all ranges.
  • Phantom: Varies based on distance.

Up to 15 meters, Phantom has an edge. However, beyond that range, Vandal's consistent damage reigns supreme. For strategic gameplay, Vandal users should maintain distance, optimizing the weapon’s advantage.

3. Recoil Patterns: Vandal’s Challenge

While Vandal might seem superior in numbers, its recoil is trickier. The initial three shots are predictable, but beyond that, the weapon becomes erratic. Mastery of short bursts is crucial for Vandal users.

4. Playstyle Differences

Phantom encourages a spray approach, whereas Vandal demands precision. Imagine wielding the Sheriff or Operator; you'll need to make those first shots count. This precision playstyle, when mastered, can boost your Valorant rank immensely.

5. Counter-strafing Technique

This method, also known as "Jiggle peeking," optimizes shooting precision while maintaining mobility. Perfecting this technique can transform your gameplay, making you a formidable opponent.

6. Positioning for Advantage

With Vandal, you'll want to maintain distance. Take advantage of long-range positions, forcing opponents into situations where their weapons have damage drop-off.

7. Aiming Down Sights (ADS) – Yes or No?

Primarily, avoid ADS with Vandal. Use it only when absolutely necessary, and remember, no spraying during ADS!

8. Spraying Through Smoke – A No-No for Vandal Users

Phantom’s silencer offers a stealth advantage in smoke. Vandal, however, reveals your position. Refrain from spraying blindly and play smart.


Which weapon is better for beginners?

  • Phantom is generally more forgiving for newer players.

How can I boost my Valorant rank using Vandal?

  • Mastering the Vandal’s recoil, positioning, and playstyle can greatly enhance your performance. If you need additional help, consider our Valorant boosting services at GBoosting.

Is Phantom always a better choice for close combat?

  • Mostly, yes, due to its higher fire rate and silencer advantage.


Both Vandal and Phantom have unique strengths in Valorant. Understanding and mastering these weapons can significantly boost your gameplay. For players looking to further elevate their game, GBoosting offers specialized Valorant boosting, ensuring you reach the rank you desire.